TWIPLA for WordPress

About WordPress and the TWIPLA WordPress Plugin

WordPress is one of the most widely used CMSs (Content Management System) on the web. Initially, it was meant for blogging, but it has evolved into a website builder with an almost limitless variety of designs and functionalities. It simplifies website development and provides access to numerous plugins and templates that can be used to create fully-featured sites.

However, to effectively manage a WordPress site, website owners need to track their website traffic. While WordPress lacks built-in analytics, there are plugins available, such as TWIPLA, which seamlessly integrate with WordPress. Once installed, TWIPLA provides you with the following insights and functionalities for better website management:

Website Statistics
  • Traffic Structure
    • See how much of your traffic is direct or reaching your website via email, social media, organic search, or referrals.
  • Visitors
    • We offer everything you need to know about your audience and their activity in real time. You get visited pages over time, approximate geolocation( approximate for privacy purposes), the time spent on each page, and many others.
  • Pages
    • You should know what type of content your visitors prefer, where they land, and where they exit the website. With TWIPLA, you get the most visited pages, landing pages, conversions, and many others.
  • Devices
    • Check out your visitor’s device type, operating systems, browsers & screen-resolutions usage.
  • Campaigns
    • Add UTM campaigns to better track your conversions and start researching exactly where visitors are coming from.
  • Competition Analysis
    • See how your website ranks among competitors in your business sector.
  • NEW! Company Reveal
    • ​​Discover which companies have been visiting your website via their business network provider.
Visitor Behavior Analytics
  • Session Recordings
    • See video replays of real visitor sessions on your website and get an insight into what people click, their mouse movements, and how they scroll.
  • Heatmaps
    • Generate heatmaps for every page of your website and see at a glance which areas experience a lot or little visitor interaction.
  • Conversion Funnels
    • Start analyzing your funnels, drop-out pages, and other pain points in the easiest and most configurable way.
  • Custom Event Tracking
    • Track any action of your visitors! Check views & clicks on any image, button or other element on your website!

Visitor Communication
  • Polls
    • Directly integrate poll bubbles on any page of your website & easily get access to replies and stats
  • Surveys
    • Create complex surveys and send them to your participants on a separate URL.
All features privacy-first by design and fully GDPR-compliant
  • Data Protection & Privacy
    • TWIPLA meets all global data privacy requirements, regardless of the different data privacy legislation that will impact users in different locations. This includes the following key laws:
      • GDPR
      • CCPA
      • PIPEDA
      • DPA
  • Cookieless Tracking
    • Respect for individual privacy and all privacy laws.
    • It is the only 100% accurate solution for tracking all user activity.
    • It offers more security by not storing data on user devices.
  • Privacy Center
    • Platform can be calibrated to the local privacy rights of website visitors, with four levels of protection (Light, Medium, GDPR, and Maximum Privacy). With the default Light Protection mode, you comply with the regulations of most regions outside the EU (depending on your or your visitors' locations).
    • With Maximum Protection, you are safeguarding your visitors' data to the fullest. Activate this mode, and you will be able to track website visits without worrying about including it in your cookie consent banners.
  • NEW! Custom Country Data
    • Enables you to apply different Privacy Center modes based on where a visitor is visiting the website from. Customize the data processed for each visitor on a country-by-country basis, maximizing the data insight in the context of each country’s legislation.

How to Install TWIPLA on WordPress

Installing TWIPLA on your WordPress site is a straightforward process. You just have to add the TWIPLA Plugin from the WordPress Plugins Market.

For a detailed step-by-step guide on how to easily install TWIPLA on any WordPress website, please refer to the installation guide listed below.

Easy installation — Install the TWIPLA WordPress plugin

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New in the left sidebar. In the Search plugins… field, enter TWIPLA.
  3. Click the Install Now button, and once the installation is complete, click on the Activate button.
  4. Navigate to Settings > TWIPLA.
  5. Paste the Website ID into the corresponding field within the plugin, and then click the Save ID button. 
  6. If you can't find your Website ID easily as part of the initial onboarding process, please navigate to Website Settings in the TWIPLA app's left sidebar and then click on Tracking Code.
  7. To verify if the installation succeed, click on the link Click here to verify your installation or Verify on the confirmation banner that will appear.

Frequently Asked Questions about Using TWIPLA on WordPress (FAQ)

Please see our detailed WordPress FAQs here.

Support for Installation and Using TWIPLA on WordPress

If you encounter any issues during installation, you can contact us via the website contact form, through the chat bubble available on our website or in-app at We are here to assist you and ensure a smooth experience with our plugin.