• Polls Made Easy


Capture Visitor Feedback in Real-Time

Get Answers from Users as They Navigate Your Site

Polls - all question categories - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Flexible Poll Construction

Choose From 10 Question Types

A polls tool undoubtedly needs to be versatile, with all question categories available. At TWIPLA, we've taken this principle on board: choose from 10 pre-set types. Use them to then create effective polls and collect the meaningful, actionable insights you need.

  • Short Text Answers
  • Long Text Answers
  • Multiple Choice
  • Numerical Rating
  • Shape Rating
  • Slider
  • Website Address
  • Phone Number
  • Date
  • Email

Use these question categories strategically. Together, they enable TWIPLA to facilitate any polling context or objective imaginable. Collect anything from quick feedback to in-depth research. Tailor polls to the exact preference and response styles of your audience. Then, increase engagement and reduce response fatigue.

Polls Made Easy

Get a deeper understanding of your website traffic statistics, boost visitor numbers & conversions with our all-in-one application tool.

Get Started & Create Polls For Free in Minutes
